1.1. Fundamental constants

The table below lists relevant fundamental constants (based on the 2018 CODATA recommended values). Digits in parentheses indicate uncertainty, relative to the last digit. For example, \(7.85(1)\) indicates \(7.85\pm0.01\), and \(1.3454(12)\) indicates \(1.3454\pm0.0012\).

Several of the constants have zero uncertainty, since they are defined as exact values. (The SI base units kg, m, C, K, and mol are defined through these constants.)





Planck constant

\(6.626\,070\,15\times10^{-34}\,\mathrm{J\,s}\) (exact)


reduced Planck constant

\(1.054\,571\,817...\times10^{-34}\,\mathrm{J\,s}\) (exact)


speed of light in vacuum

\(299\,792\,458\,\mathrm{m}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\) (exact)


elementary charge

\(1.602\,176\,634\times10^{-19}\,\mathrm{C}\) (exact)


Avogadro constant

\(6.022\,140\,76\times10^{23}\,\mathrm{mol}^{-1}\) (exact)


Boltzmann constant

\(1.380\,649\times10^{-23}\,\mathrm{J}\,\mathrm{K}^{-1}\) (exact)


atomic mass unit



electron mass



proton mass



neutron mass



Bohr radius



Rydberg constant



electric constant



Bohr magneton



nuclear magneton
