addnoise | Add noise to a signal |
amu | Atomic unit of mass |
ang2vec | Converts polar angles to cartesian unit vector |
angstrom | Molecular-scale length unit |
apowin | Apodization windows. |
avogadro | Avogadro constant |
barn | Nuclear quadrupole moment unit |
basecorr | Polynomial baseline correction |
blochsteady | Steady-state solutions of Bloch equations |
bmagn | Bohr magneton |
bohrrad | Bohr radius |
boltzm | Boltzmann constant |
cardamom | Trajectory-based cw EPR spectra |
cgmatrix | Transformation between uncoupled and coupled representations |
chili | Slow-motional regime cw EPR spectra |
clebschgordan | Clebsch-Gordan coefficients |
clight | Vacuum speed of light |
commute | Commutator of two matrices |
convspec | Convolute spectrum with line shape |
curry | Magnetometry data |
ctafft | Cross-term averaged FFT |
datasmooth | Moving averages: smoothing and differentiation |
degree | Conversion between radians and degrees |
deriv | Numerical differentiation |
dipkernel | Dipolar EPR signal (DEER) |
diptensor | Dipolar tensors |
easyspin | Information and tasks regarding EasySpin |
echarge | Elementary electric charge |
emass | Mass of electron |
endorfrq | ENDOR frequencies and amplitudes |
eprconvert | Graphical frequency/field/g value conversion utility |
eprload | Read spectrum files in common EPR data formats |
eprsave | Save data in Bruker EPR file format |
eps0 | Electric constant, vacuum permittivity |
equivcouple | Coupling of equivalent spins |
equivsplit | Splitting pattern for equivalent spins |
erot | Computes rotation matrix from Euler angles |
esfit | Least-squares fitting of EPR spectra |
eulang | Euler angles from rotation matrix |
euler2quat | Unit quaternions from Euler angles |
evolve | Evolves density matrices in time-domain |
evolt | Electron volt |
ewrls | Least-squares adaptive filter averaging |
exciteprofile | Calculate excitation profiles for arbitrary pulses. |
exponfit | Exponential fitting |
faraday | Faraday constant |
fastmotion | Fast-motion regime line width parameters from rotational correlation time. |
fdaxis | Frequency domain axis for FFT |
fieldmod | Field modulation of EPR absorption spectra |
gammae | Electron gyromagnetic ratio |
garlic | Liquid-state cw EPR spectra |
gaussian | Gaussian line shape |
gfree | g value of the free electron |
hartree | Atomic unit of energy |
hbar | Reduced Planck constant |
ham | Full Spin Hamiltonian |
ham_cf | Crystal field Hamiltonian |
ham_ee | Electron-electron interaction Hamiltonian |
ham_ez | Electron Zeeman interaction Hamiltonian |
ham_ezho | Higher-order electron Zeeman interaction Hamiltonian |
ham_hf | Hyperfine interaction Hamiltonian |
ham_nq | Nuclear quadrupole interaction Hamiltonian |
ham_nn | Nucleus-nucleus interaction Hamiltonian |
ham_nz | Nuclear Zeeman interaction Hamiltonian |
ham_oz | Orbital Zeeman interaction Hamiltonian |
ham_so | Spin-orbit coupling Hamiltonian |
ham_zf | Electronic zero field interaction Hamiltonian |
hamsymm | Symmetry determination for spin Hamiltonians |
hilberttrans | Hilbert transform |
hsdim | State space dimension of a spin system |
isotopes | A browsable list of isotopes |
isto | Irreducible spherical tensor operators |
larmorfrq | Larmor frequency of nuclear spins |
levels | Energy levels computation |
levelsplot | Energy levels and resonances plot |
lorentzian | Lorentzian line shape | |
lpsvd | Performs LPSVD on a signal |
lshape | General line shape function |
makespec | Construct spectrum from peak positions and amplitudes |
mdhmm | Build hidden Markov model from molecular-dynamics trajectories |
mdload | Load molecular-dynamics trajectory from file |
mhz2mt | Conversion from MHz to mT |
molgas | Molar gas constant |
mt2mhz | Conversion from mT to MHz |
mu0 | Magnetic constant, vacuum permeability |
nmagn | Nuclear magneton |
nmass | Mass of neutron |
nucabund | Natural abundance of nuclear isotopes |
nucdata | Nuclear spin data |
nucfrq2d | Sketch of HYSCORE spectra |
nucgval | Nuclear g values |
nucqmom | Nuclear electric quadrupole moments |
nucspin | Nuclear spin quantum numbers |
nucspinadd | Adds a nuclear spin to a spin system |
nucspinkeep | Removes nuclear spins from a spin system |
nucspinrmv | Removes nuclear spins from a spin system |
orca2easyspin | Import spin system from ORCA calculation results |
oripotentialplot | Plot orientational potential |
orisel | Orientation selection |
pepper | Solid-state cw EPR spectra |
photoselect | Photoselection weights |
planck | Planck constant |
plegendre | Legendre polynomials and Associated Legendre polynomials |
pmass | Mass of proton |
propint | Compute pulse propagator |
pulse | Calculate pulse functions for defined pulse shapes. |
quat2euler | Euler angles from unit quaternions |
quat2rotmat | Converts a unit quaternion to a rotation matrix |
quatinv | Calculates the inverse of a unit quaternion. |
quatmult | Performs quaternion multiplication between two quaternions |
quatvecmult | Rotates a vector using a unit quaternion |
rapidscan2spc | Convert rapid-scan signal to EPR spectrum |
rcfilt | RC filtering of EPR spectra |
rfmixer | Digital up- and downconversion |
rescaledata | Rescale data |
resfields | Resonance fields and amplitudes, matrix diagonalization |
resfields_eig | Resonance fields using eigenfield equation |
resfields_perturb | Resonance fields and amplitudes, perturbation theory |
resfreqs_matrix | Resonance frequencies and amplitudes, matrix diagonalization |
resfreqs_perturb | Resonance frequencies and amplitudes, perturbation theory |
resonator | Simulation of/compensation for the resonator transfer function. |
resonatorprofile | resonator profile (transfer function or reflection coefficient) |
rotateframe | Rotate a frame given by Euler angles |
rotaxi2mat | Convert rotation axis plus angle to rotation matrix |
rotmat2axi | Convert rotation matrix to rotation axis plus angle |
rotmat2quat | Converts a rotation matrix to a unit quaternion |
rotview | Visual display of rotations (Euler angles etc) |
rydberg | Rydberg constant |
saffron | Pulse EPR spectra simulation |
salt | ENDOR spectra |
sigeq | Thermal equilibrium density matrix |
sop | Spin operator matrices |
spherharm | Spherical harmonics |
sphgrid | Triangular orientational grids |
sphrand | Random orientational grids |
spidyan | Spin dynamics with arbitrary waveforms |
spinladder | Computes spin Hamiltonians for the manifolds of a spin-coupled pair |
spinvec | Spin quantum numbers in a spin system |
stackplot | Stacked plot of 1D data |
stev | Extended Stevens operator matrices |
stochtraj_diffusion | Simulate trajectories of rotational diffusion |
stochtraj_jump | Simulate trajectories of Markovian jumps |
tensor_cart2sph | Convert cartesian to spherical tensors |
tensor_sph2cart | Convert spherical to cartesian tensors |
transmitter | Simulation of/compensation for transmitter nonlinearity. |
unitconvert | Unit conversion |
vec2ang | Polar angles from cartesian unit vector |
voigtian | Voigtian line shape function |
wigner3j | Wigner 3-j symbols |
wigner6j | Wigner 6-j symbols |
wignerd | Wigner rotation matrices |
zfsframes | Zero-field splitting tensor frames analysis |