
Wigner 6-j symbols.

v = wigner6j(j1,j2,j3,J1,J2,J3)
v = wigner6j(jJ1,jJ2,jJ3)
v = wigner6j(j,J)
v = wigner6j(jJ)

wigner6j returns the value of the 6-j symbol


The six parameters can be specified separately or in groups. In the three-argument form, wigner6j takes jJ1 = [j1 J1] etc., if two arguments are given, it takes j = [j1 j2 j3] and J = [J1 J2 J3], if one argument is given, jJ = [j1 j2 j3 J1 J2 J3].


wigner6j uses a formula based on a binomial series representation. See Tuzun et al, Comput.Phys.Commun. 112, 112-148 (1998).

See also

clebschgordan, wigner3j, wignerd