
Nuclear electric quadrupole moments.

Q = nucqmom(Isotopes)

This function returns the nuclear electric quadrupole moment of the nuclei specified in Isotopes, in units of barn (1 barn = 10-28 m2, see barn). Isotopes is a character array giving the mass number and the chemical symbol of the element, e.g. '14N' or '63Cu'. If Isotopes is a comma-separated list of isotope labels, the function returns a list of all quadrupole moments in vector form.

The data are taken from an internal database through nucdata.

Q = nucqmom('2H,14N')
Q =
    0.0029    0.0193
Q = nucqmom('63Cu,65Cu')
Q =
   -0.2110   -0.1950
See also

barn, nucabund, nucdata, nucgval, nucspin