After a bacgkround subtraction (empty capillary measurement), I still have a huge baseline which runs diagonally from upper left to lower right corner. Then I applied the ES basecorr function which gave me below baseline. Is there is a better option to remove the baseline?
Thank you in advance!
PS. I tried all polynomial orders from 1 to 6, this is 5th order.
YQ067_Baseline_correction_test.jpg (20.17 KiB) Viewed 13113 times
As I said in the post, I did measure an empty capilarry as background and subtracted it. So the red spectrum is after background subtraction. The yellow one is after polynomial baseline correction.
With 6.0.0-dev.x, you can specify the region to include in the baseline fit. in your case, I would exclude the regions 100-200 and 300-400 mT. That should give you a better baseline.