Dear all,
I want to simulate Davies ENDOR with SPIDYAN and then expand this simulation to more elaborate simulations.
I successfully simulated spin echo and inversion recovery experiments using SPIDYAN,
however, when I add the RF pulse and perform a RF frequency sweep experiment there isn't any difference between the resulting signals, meaning that the nuclei aren't affected by the pulses.
How is it possible to interact with the nuclei
I'm attaching below parts of the script.
Your help will be greatly appreciated
Nir Dayan
Exp.mwFreq = 32.656;
P180rf.Flip = pi; % Flip angle of the pulse
P180rf.Type = 'rectangular'; = 10; % Pulse Length in microseconds
P180rf.Frequency= -Exp.mwFreq*1e3 + 30; %MHz (should be 30MHz)
Exp.Sequence={P180short 0.03 P180rf 0.03 P90 5 P180 5};
Opt.ExcOperator = {'x1' [] 'x1' 'x1'};