ENDOR simulation with SPIDYAN

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Nir Dayan
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2021 11:00 am

ENDOR simulation with SPIDYAN

Post by Nir Dayan »

Dear all,

I want to simulate Davies ENDOR with SPIDYAN and then expand this simulation to more elaborate simulations.

I successfully simulated spin echo and inversion recovery experiments using SPIDYAN,
however, when I add the RF pulse and perform a RF frequency sweep experiment there isn't any difference between the resulting signals, meaning that the nuclei aren't affected by the pulses.

How is it possible to interact with the nuclei :?:

I'm attaching below parts of the script.

Your help will be greatly appreciated :!:

Nir Dayan

Exp.mwFreq = 32.656;
P180rf.Flip = pi; % Flip angle of the pulse
P180rf.Type = 'rectangular';
P180rf.tp = 10; % Pulse Length in microseconds
P180rf.Frequency= -Exp.mwFreq*1e3 + 30; %MHz (should be 30MHz)

Exp.Sequence={P180short 0.03 P180rf 0.03 P90 5 P180 5};
Opt.ExcOperator = {'x1' [] 'x1' 'x1'};

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2021 4:42 am

Re: ENDOR simulation with SPIDYAN

Post by edoardo.f »


I'm sorry but I don't know how to help you. Can I ask you how you simulated the inversion recovery? I've been trying but without any success. Thank you.

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