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Simulate High-Field Triplet Spectra as Sum of Zero-Field Transitions?
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 10:26 am
by rdill
I am using pepper to simulate field-swept, spin-polarized powder spectra for photoexcited triplet states. When I request the output as separate transitions, the result is, as expected, a pair of orientationally averaged Zeeman transitions between states of the high-field basis.
Is it possible to project these transitions onto the zero-field basis? I'm imagining that there would now be three transitions (Tx-Ty, Ty-Tz, and Tx-Tz), each of which is orientationally averaged.
I think that something like this would help me understand and visualize the transformation from zero to high-field. Assuming, of course, that this is even a physically meaningful possibility.
Re: Simulate High-Field Triplet Spectra as Sum of Zero-Field Transitions?
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 11:19 am
by Matt Krzyaniak
I'm not sure if this is what you're asking for, but it is what I usually default to when thinking about the transitions.
Code: Select all
Sys.S = 1;
Sys.g = 2.00;
Sys.lwpp = 1;
D = 1000;
E = 200;
Sys.D = [D E];
% population of the zf levels low to high energy
Sys.Pop = [1 0 0];
Exp.Harmonic = 0;
Exp.mwFreq = 4;
Exp.Range = [0 200];
Exp.nPoints = 20001;
[field,spec] = pepper(Sys,Exp);
xlabel('Magnetic Field (mT)')
xlim([min(field) max(field)])
ori = 'xyz';
for i = 1:3
hold off
Re: Simulate High-Field Triplet Spectra as Sum of Zero-Field Transitions?
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 5:20 pm
by rdill
Thank you for the response, Matt. I like to use levelsplot as well and I do find it useful. But I was hoping for a way to break down the field-swept spectrum in a way similar to what Opt.Output = 'separate' gives you, just redistributed across the three triplet transitions rather than the two Zeeman transitions.
Re: Simulate High-Field Triplet Spectra as Sum of Zero-Field Transitions?
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 3:24 am
by Stefan Stoll
It's unclear what you want to do. The transitions happen at field, and the Tx/Ty/Tz states are not relevant.
Do you have to get representations of the 3 high-field states in terms of Tx/Ty/Tz?