fitting a difference spectrum
Is it possible to use the esfit fitting function in EasySpin to fit a difference epr spectrum? i generated a difference spectrum because subtracting two spectra shows a transition from one state to another and eliminates interference from overlapping signals that do not change. it should be the same as fitting S=1/2 two spin systems, just that the spectra for one of the spin systems should be multiplied by -1. I have attached an experimental spectrum along with a simulation that gets the parameters pretty close, although a better fit could definitely be achieved with the fitting algorithm
here is the matlab code I used. diff_240 is the experimental data:
P_plus.S = 1/2;
P_plus.g = [1.814 1.95 2.054];
P_plus.gStrain = [.018,.0125,.013];
Exp.mwFreq = 9.374244;
Exp.Range = [255 415];
[B,pplus] = pepper(P_plus,Exp);
P_plus_star.S = 1/2;
P_plus_star.g = [1.892 2.006];
P_plus_star.gStrain = [.021,.01];
P_plus.weight = .09;
P_plus_star.weight = .022;
[B,pplusstar] = pepper(P_plus_star,Exp);
plot(B,pplus- pplusstar,B,diff_240);
plot(B,pplus- pplusstar-diff_240);
Bryant Chica