problem with esfit
Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:35 am
I encountered a problem when using esfit. Here is my code,
The last two lines are the normal pepper simulation with my initial parameters. as following,
However, it is very different from the esfit simulation from the center of the variable.
I guess this might be because my field sweeping rate is not a constant: the sweeping rate is lower at higher field to avoid quenching. The result is that the number of the data points in various field ranges are not uniformly distributed. I enclosed my data file below.
In the pepper simulation, I plot the spectra by the function of "plotyy", where the specific relation between the spectrum and field are included in the data;
while in the esfit function, the spectra information is introduced by a 1D array(the abscissa values are not included), and they are assumed to be uniformly distributed in the whole field range(are they? otherwise one need the abscissa values).
I am not sure if there is a way to solve this problem, and am looking forward to your help.
thanks very much
ShangDa Jiang
Code: Select all
clear all;
messdata = importdata('data.dat');
f331 = messdata(:,1);
s331 = messdata(:,2);
Sys.S = 2;
Sys.g= [2.0 2.0];
Sys.D = [3.58 0.5]*clight/10000;
Sys.lw = 200;
Exp.Range = [0000 15000];
Exp.Temperature = 15;
Exp.Orientations = [];
Exp.mwFreq= 331.2;
Vary.g=[0.05 0.05];
Vary.D=[0.1 0.2]*clight/10000;
[simuf331,simuspec331] = pepper(Sys,Exp);
However, it is very different from the esfit simulation from the center of the variable.
I guess this might be because my field sweeping rate is not a constant: the sweeping rate is lower at higher field to avoid quenching. The result is that the number of the data points in various field ranges are not uniformly distributed. I enclosed my data file below.
In the pepper simulation, I plot the spectra by the function of "plotyy", where the specific relation between the spectrum and field are included in the data;
while in the esfit function, the spectra information is introduced by a 1D array(the abscissa values are not included), and they are assumed to be uniformly distributed in the whole field range(are they? otherwise one need the abscissa values).
I am not sure if there is a way to solve this problem, and am looking forward to your help.
thanks very much
ShangDa Jiang