Code: Select all
clear all;
messdata = importdata('data.dat');
f331 = messdata(:,1);
s331 = messdata(:,2);
Sys.S = 2;
Sys.g= [2.0 2.0];
Sys.D = [3.58 0.5]*clight/10000;
Sys.lw = 200;
Exp.Range = [0000 15000];
Exp.Temperature = 15;
Exp.Orientations = [];
Exp.mwFreq= 331.2;
Vary.g=[0.05 0.05];
Vary.D=[0.1 0.2]*clight/10000;
[simuf331,simuspec331] = pepper(Sys,Exp);
However, it is very different from the esfit simulation from the center of the variable.
I guess this might be because my field sweeping rate is not a constant: the sweeping rate is lower at higher field to avoid quenching. The result is that the number of the data points in various field ranges are not uniformly distributed. I enclosed my data file below.
In the pepper simulation, I plot the spectra by the function of "plotyy", where the specific relation between the spectrum and field are included in the data;
while in the esfit function, the spectra information is introduced by a 1D array(the abscissa values are not included), and they are assumed to be uniformly distributed in the whole field range(are they? otherwise one need the abscissa values).
I am not sure if there is a way to solve this problem, and am looking forward to your help.
thanks very much
ShangDa Jiang