saffron not handling orientation selection correctly
saffron not handling orientation selection correctly
Saffron does not appear to be handling orientation selection correctly for Mims ENDOR. Attached is a self contained script with axial A tensors for viewing the difference in output from salt and saffron. Running saffron with variable Euler angles does not produce a significant difference either.
- Attachments
- saffron_bug.m
- (1.95 KiB) Downloaded 641 times
- EasySpin Creator
- Posts: 1120
- Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:11 pm
- Location: University of Washington
Re: saffron not handling orientation selection correctly
Thanks for the minimal example, we are looking into this.
- EasySpin Creator
- Posts: 1120
- Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:11 pm
- Location: University of Washington
Re: saffron not handling orientation selection correctly
This discrepancy is due to the tau blindspots in Mims ENDOR as simulated by
Here is a simple script you can use to explore this:
, which are not included in the salt
simulation. You can see this by setting tau to a very small value (1 ns or less), which removes all blind spots except the central one. If you set tau to a very large value (10 microseconds say) and you have enough spectral points, you will see that the Mims ENDOR spectrum approaches the salt
spectrum. Any remaining small differences are due to the fact that one is a CW simulation and the other is a pulse simulation.Here is a simple script you can use to explore this:
Code: Select all
B0 = 1215.8; % mT
mw = 34.087; % GHz
tau = 10;
Exp.mwFreq = mw;
Exp.Range = [6.5 9.5]; % MHz
Exp.nPoints = 1000;
Exp.ExciteWidth = 30;
Exp.Field = B0;
Sys.g = [2.008, 2.003, 2.003];
Sys.lw = 0.08;
Sys = nucspinadd(Sys,'2H',[1.2 1.2 0.2],[0 0 0]*pi/180);
Sys.lwEndor = 0.05;
Opt.ProductRule = 1;
Opt.nKnots = 91;
% Mims ENDOR spectrum, saffron
Exp_ = Exp;
Exp_.Sequence = 'MimsENDOR';
Exp_.tau = tau;
[freqs,ysaff] = saffron(Sys,Exp_,Opt);
ysaff = ysaff/max(ysaff);
% CW ENDOR spectrum, salt
[freqs,ysalt] = salt(Sys,Exp_,Opt);
ysalt = ysalt/max(ysalt);
% Frequency-domain EPR spectrum
FSExp.mwRange = [33.9 34.3];
FSExp.Field = B0;
FSExp.Harmonic = 0;
FSOpt.Output = 'summed';
[xfs,yfs] = pepper(Sys,FSExp,FSOpt);
yfs = yfs/max(yfs);
% plotting
hold on
line([1 1]*larmorfrq('2H',B0), ylim);
legend boxoff
xlabel('frequency (MHz)');
line([1 1]*Exp.mwFreq,ylim,'Color','k');
xlabel('frequency (GHz)');