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EPR load DAT file

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 11:50 am
by baillied
Hi all,

I am quite new to the EasySpin world and have been able to simulate some data but have yet to be able to actually load and plot an actual data file. Currently, I am trying to load a high-field pulsed EPR that is saved as a DAT file.

I enter the following command: [B, spc] = eprload('C:\Pathtofile\Filename.dat')

and get this response: Error using eprload, The file is not an Adani spectrometer file.

So I tried to change the file extension to DSC and DTA and then I get a response that the file does not exist. I have checked my path multiple times and went as far as to copy and paste it directly from the properties window... It still does not load. I am running on MATLAB R2016a with EasySpin 5.0.22, with a Windows computer.

Not sure what I am doing wrong, I will appreciate any help I can get!


Re: EPR load DAT file

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 3:22 pm
by Stefan Stoll
EasySpin's eprload() can only load file from commercial spectrometers by Bruker, Adani, JEOL, Activespectrum and magnettech. It can also read files stored with the control software SpecMan.

If you have data stored from any other software, you will have to load the data without eprload(), using textread() or fread() depending on whether it is a text file or a binary file.

Also, check the the documentation on data import.