Syntax of Sys.eeD
Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 4:56 am
I try ro do a simulation where I want to include dipolar coupling between two identical spins in the solid state, but I do not quite get the correct syntax for that.
I tried to run the example file eespins from the easyspin examples but I received the following error message: field is missing in spin system structure!
Error in pepper
Error in eespins (line 16)
So, whats missing?
I try ro do a simulation where I want to include dipolar coupling between two identical spins in the solid state, but I do not quite get the correct syntax for that.
I tried to run the example file eespins from the easyspin examples but I received the following error message: field is missing in spin system structure!
Error in pepper
Error in eespins (line 16)
So, whats missing?