Is it posible simulate O2 gas phase X-band EPR spectrum by EasySpin?
like this (Electron paramagnetic resonance : elementary theory and practical applications. –– 2nd ed.John A. Weil, James R. Bolton.)
FIGURE 7.2 Portion (0.3–1.6) of a simulated field-swept EPR spectrum (9.14456 GHz) of gaseous dioxygen at 100 K (0.1 torr), with limit N<15.
Selected line positions and relevant quantum numbers are given in Table 7.1. [Spectrum produced by Dr. S. Stoll, ETH,Zu¨rich; unpublished data.
The parameters were taken from Ref. 15.(DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.5169/seals-114405)
I want to use epr spectrum of gaseous oxygen as a field standart/markers in the range 0.7-1.3T.
simulate epr spectrum of gaseous oxygen
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Re: simulate epr spectrum of gaseous oxygen
Hi Sasha, unfortunately, EasySpin cannot do this. It lacks the operators and Hamiltonian terms associated with the rotational angular momentum, which would be needed for this.