I am simulating EPR spectra for an S = 1/2 Ag complex with superhyperfine coupling from two N atoms. Below are the simulation parameters I am using:
>> % Input file for easy spin
[B, spc] = eprload('AgII');
% Initial System for Fitting
Sys0.g = [2.20 2.07 2.03];
Sys0.S = 0.5;
Sys0.A = [70 70 70; 50 60 40; 50 40 60];
Sys0.Nucs = 'Ag, N, N'
Sys0.lw = 1;%Initial Vary Windows
Vary.g = [0 0 0];
Vary.A = [0 50 50; 0 50 0; 0 50 50];
Vary.lw = 0;%Experimental Parameters
Exp.Temperature = 80;
Exp.mwFreq = 9.653315
Exp.Range = [280 380]esfit(spc,@pepper,{Sys0,Exp},{Vary})
Even if I vary g and Ax, Ay, or Az separately, the fitting is extremely slow. Is there an obvious way to speed this up?
I was thinking of pinning the values A values for both N's so they are identical and vary with the same value - any suggestions how I could do this?
Thanks in advance.