MS values in levelsplot

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MS values in levelsplot

Post by friedrich95 »

is there an easy way to assign the MS levels to the energy levels that are plottet in the levelsplot?

Thank you very much

Stefan Stoll
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Re: MS values in levelsplot

Post by Stefan Stoll »

Not directly, but it is possible to color the levels by their |mS| value, i.e. the magnitude of the expectation value of the spin operator S_zL, where zL is the lab z axis along the magnetic field.

For this, use the option Opt.SlopeColor = true.

Here is an example:

Code: Select all

clear, clc

Sys.S = 7/2;
Sys.D = 1000;

Opt.SlopeColor = true;
levelsplot(Sys,'xy',[0 300],[],Opt);
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Re: MS values in levelsplot

Post by thanasis »

That's a really nice addition!

Is there a way to define a custom color palette for the various ms values?



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