Herein I encountered a problem with cw simulation.
I have two different spins which I assume not coupled at all. I simulate the spectrum in two different ways:
1. Simulate the two spins separately and average the simulation;
2. Simulate the two spins as coupled spins but set the isotropic coupling constant as 0.
I enclosed the code, while you can see that at around 9 T there is a strange transition for coupled model which does not exist in isolated model.
I tried to increase the nKnots from default 19 to 40, but failed to eliminate this feature.
Code: Select all
clear all;
g1=[2 2.2];
D1=[7 1];
D2=[7.5 1.2];
Sys1.S = S;
Sys1.g= g1;
Sys1.D = D1*clight/10000;
Sys1.lw = lw;
Sys2.S = S;
Sys2.g= g2;
Sys2.D = D2*clight/10000;
Sys2.lw = lw;
Sys.S = [1 1];
Sys.g= [2 2.2;2 2.2];
Sys.D = [7 1;7.5 1.2]*clight/10000;;
Sys.lw = lw;
Exp.Range = [0000 16000];
Exp.mwFreq= 285;
Exp.Temperature = 15;
Exp.Orientations =[];
% Opt.nKnots=40;
[simuf1,simuspec1] = pepper(Sys1,Exp);
[simuf2,simuspec2] = pepper(Sys2,Exp);
[simuf,simuspec] = pepper(Sys,Exp);
does this mean the two strategies are not really physically identical?
or is there a bug in the code?
looking forward to your help.