I have used VASP to calculate the electric field gradients at the atomic nuclei.
The entries of the 3x3 V matrix are given in V/A2 (Volts per square Angstroem).
How can I transform this result into the Q matrix needed in EasySpin to take the nuclear quadrupole interaction (https://easyspin.org/easyspin/documenta ... n.html#nqi) into account?
I need to know only the entries of the Q matrix. Which unit do they have?
Also, make sure that the calculate EFG is indeed in V/A2. I am not familiar with VASP, but a lot of other quantum chemistry programs return the EFG in atomic units, Eh/(e*a02).
When using the quantum chemisty program ORCA, both the EFG tensor and the nuclear quadrupole tensor are returned. From this, you should be able to infer how to convert. Here is an example from a hydroxyl radical, with the EFG and NQ tensor for deuterium:
I am not completely sure, but I am trying to follow.
As far as I understand one would first have to diagonalise the V matrix (EFGs).
Then the diagonal Q matrix (nuclear quadrupole) can be calculated from the largest-magnitude eigenvalue and the asymmetry together with the nuclear spin and quadrupole moment.
Could diagonal Q then be transformed into full Q via the same similarity transformation that produces full V from diagonal V?
% assuming V is the EFG tensor in units of V Å^-2
V = V/angstrom^2; % V Å^-2 -> V m^-2
Nuc = '17O'; % isotope
qmom = nucqmom(Nuc); % nuclear quadrupole moment, barn
qmom = qmom*barn; % barn -> m^2
I = nucspin(Nuc); % nuclear spin quantum number
P = V*echarge*qmom/2/I/(2*I-1); % nuclear quadrupole tensor, J
P = P/planck/1e6; % J -> MHz
Sys.Q = P;