ZFS E > D/3 problem

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ZFS E > D/3 problem

Post by yvesjour »


I am trying to model EPR spectrum of a 3 spins system Sys.S=[1, 1/2,1] . I have ZFS at both S=1 sites and I also have different orientations for the local D and g tensors.

When I use EasySpin least-square fitting the best parameters for the ZFS do not respect E<D/3. Is it a bug or something I did wrong ?

Here is my code

Code: Select all

 % System spin [NiCuNi] S=3/2 ground state


Sys.S = [1,1/2,1];

%JMHz = J_cm*100*light/1e6
%Sys.J = [JMHz 0 JMHz]
% valeurs dÈpart dernier fit

Sys.D=[4.5e+05 1.3e+05;0 0;6.8e+05 2.2e+05]
Sys.HStrain=[1.3765e+03 1.4439e+03 5.2889e+03]
Sys.g=[2.319	2.265	2.156; 2.071	2.117	2.419; 2.379	2.263	2.156] % valeurs sourav
Sys.DFrame=[2.0376 -0.7033 0.8251;0 0 0;1.7169 0.1327 -1.1239]
Sys.gFrame=[2.0666 -0.7086 2.3775;0 0 0; 0.1272 2.1334 -2.2044]

Exp.Range = [0 600];

Exp.mwFreq = 9.337692204;

SimOpt.nKnots = 35;
%SimOpt.Method ='hybrid';
SimOpt.Method ='matrix';

Vary.D=[6e04 4e04;0 0;6e04 4e04]
%Vary.HStrain=[100. 100. 500.]
Vary.g=[0.03 0.03 0.03;0.03 0.03 0.03;0.03 0.03 0.03]
%Vary.DFrame=[2 2 2;0 0 0;2 2 2]*pi/180.
%Vary.gFrame=[2 2 2;0 0 0;2 2 2]*pi/180.

Sys0 = Sys;
Sys0.D = Sys.D;

%FitOpt.Method = 'simplex';
FitOpt.Method = 'genetic';

%FitOpt.Scaling = 'maxabs';
FitOpt.Scaling = 'lsq';


[H, I]= pepper(Sys, Exp, SimOpt);

plot(H, I*5000,'r',B,spc,'b');

data = [H(:) I(:)];

hold on

%bestvalues: [481400 1.2868e+05 6.6052e+05 2.2622e+05 2.3119 2.2050 2.1560 2.0908 2.1580 2.4401 2.4330 2.2050 2.0960]

Stefan Stoll
EasySpin Creator
Posts: 1085
Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:11 pm
Location: University of Washington

Re: ZFS E > D/3 problem

Post by Stefan Stoll »

This is a limitation in the current version of EasySpin.

However, E<D/3 is just a axis convention for the zero-field tensor, so you can impose it after you get a fit.
Just run the fit, let E get larger than D/3 - which is still physically valid -, and at the end calculate the three principal values of the ZFS tensor, reorder the axes according to the convention, and then calculate E.

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