question about basecorr

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question about basecorr

Post by chemshd »

I find that the function of "basecorr" is very useful, since my spectrometer always has a problem with the baseline.
But I do not really understand what does the "Dim" input mean in the description.
Is it necessary that the input Spec is 1D array? or do I have to include the field information in the Spec?
If Spec is 1D, then what does the dim do there?
Stefan Stoll
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Re: question about basecorr

Post by Stefan Stoll »

The Dimension specifies along which dimension basecorr() should apply the baseline correction. If your data is 1D, then this depends on whether it's a 1D column vector, or a 1D row vector. For the column vector, apply it along dimension 1, and for the row vector along dimension 2.
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