I was wondering whether ES can account for dipolar interactions within exchange-coupled systems by considering the spin densities introduced due to exchange interactions.
Assuming we have set up a precise expression of the dipole-dipole interaction matrix Ddip(ij) between spins i and j, using tensors gi and gj:
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D_dip_ij = transpose(gi)*gj - 3 * (transpose(gi)*Rij) * (transpose(Rij)*gj);
dip_ij = 12993 * rij^-3 * D_dip_ij;
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Sys.ee = etc + etc + dip_ij
However, magnetic exchange may affect the spin densities on each spin (e.g when we have polynuclear systems). The spin densities can be calculated by calculating the operator matrices:
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[S1x,S1y,S1z,etc] = sop(Sys,'x1','y1','z1',etc);
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H = sham(Sys,[0 0 1e-4]);
S1x_expect = Vt(:,1)'*S1x*Vt(:,1);
S1y_expect =
S1z_expect =
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[Six_expect Siy_expect Siz_expect] * dip_ij * [Sjx_expect; Sjy_expect; Sjz_expect]
And more to the point, is there physical meaning to such a calculation? Please note that I am not considering delocalized spins within organic radical systems, but between exchange-coupled metal centers. So the point-dipole approximation would still be valid in terms of distances, but with recalculated spin values.