for the next major ES release (summer 2018). This will not be backwards-compatible with the current release (5.2). The goal is to make this function more flexible and simpler to use.If you are an ES user that is working heavily with SQUID magnetometry data, we would like to have your feedback about the following points:
One of the principal planned changes will be that you can directly specify the unit system that should be used:
Opt.Units = 'SI'
(SI units; default) or Opt.Units = 'CGS'
(CGS-emu units). Do you think this is useful?2.
Another change will be that the outputs of
can be completely customized. For example, Opt.Output = 'chimolT mumol'
tells curry
to return the molar susceptibility times temperature as first output, and the molar magnetic moment as second output. Currently, we are envisioning the following possible outputs:
: single-center magnetic moment (SI unit: J/T; CGS-emu unit: erg/G or emu) -
: single-center magnetic moment in Bohr magnetons (unitless and numerically identical in SI and CGS-emu) -
: molar magnetic moment (SI unit: J/T/mol; CGS-emu unit: erg/G/mol or emu/mol) -
: single-center magnetic susceptibility (SI unit: m^3; CGS-emu unit: cm^3) -
: molar magnetic susceptibility (SI unit: m^3/mol; CGS-emu unit: cm^3/mol) -
: molar magnetic susceptibility times temperature (SI unit: K m^3/mol; CGS-emu unit: K cm^3/mol) -
: effective Bohr magneton number, also called effective magnetic moment (unitless and numerically identical in both SI and CGS-emu)
calculates the differential magnetic susceptibility chi = dmu/dB, but in experimental practice the susceptibility is often approximated as mu/B, for some value of B. Should curry
also provide capabilities for this approximate susceptibility? How?