I have an EPR spectrum where two individual radical spins (no coupling) exist with hyperfine coupling in a donor-acceptor system.
How can I convert the current spectrum to a situation where the two spins are coupled with each other?
Which parameters (exchange, dipolar coupling etc) are important while coupling the two spins?
I'm just a beginner in EPR acquisition and simulation, any help in this direction would be appreciated.
Code: Select all
%Experimental spectrum
[B,spc] = eprload('Exp');
%Spin A(acceptor):
SysA.S = 1/2;
SysA.g = [2.00986];
SysA.Nucs = '14N,1H,1H,1H,1H';
SysA.A = [1.74,4.810,2.2,1.63,0.36];
SysA.weight = 2.50;
SysA.lwpp = [0.6];
VaryA.A = [0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1];
VaryA.g = [0.5];
VaryA.lwpp = 0.5;
VaryA.weight = 0.3;
%Spin D (donor):
SysD.S = 1/2;
SysD.g = [2.009967];
SysD.weight = 0.908;
SysD.lwpp = [0.15566];
SysD.Nucs = '1H,1H,1H,1H,1H';
SysD.A = [18.81675,9.0468,3.9166,8.46,4.16];
VaryD.A = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2];
VaryD.g = [0.5];
VaryD.lwpp = 0.5;
VaryD.weight = 0.3;
%Defining the two spins together:
Sys = {SysD SysA};
Vary = {VaryD VaryA};
%Experimental details:
Exp.mwFreq = 9.452387;
Exp.Range = [320.873 350.873];
Exp.nPoints = 65536;
Exp.ModAmp = mhz2mt(0.1); %in mT
Exp.Temperature = 298; %in Kelvin
Exp.Mode = 'perpendicular';
B = linspace(Exp.Range(1),Exp.Range(2),Exp.nPoints);
% Calling the fitting function
%SimOpt.nKnots = 35;
SimOpt.Method = 'perturb';
FitOpt.Method = 'simplex fcn'; % simplex algorithm,
%FitOpt.Scaling = 'maxabs';
[fitparams,spc] = esfit('pepper',spc,Sys,Vary,Exp,SimOpt,FitOpt);
hold on;
%Loading experimental spectrum.
%Saving in ascii format
data = [B(:) spc(:)];
hold off;