EPR load DAT file

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EPR load DAT file

Post by Macgomes »

Hello everyone,,
I am quite new to the EasySpin world and have been able to simulate some data but have yet to be able to actually load and plot an actual data file. Currently, I am trying to load a high-field pulsed EPR that is saved as a DAT file.

I enter the following command: [B, spc] mobdro.bio/ luckypatcher.tips/ www.kodi.bio/ = eprload('C:\Pathtofile\Filename.dat')

and get this response: Error using eprload, The file is not an Adani spectrometer file.

So I tried to change the file extension to DSC and DTA and then I get a response that the file does not exist. I have checked my path multiple times and went as far as to copy and paste it directly from the properties window... It still does not load. I am running on MATLAB R2016a with EasySpin 5.0.22, with a Windows computer.

Not sure what I am doing wrong, I will appreciate any help I can get!!!!
Last edited by Macgomes on Wed May 01, 2019 9:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EPR load DAT file

Post by katarkon »

May be the dat-file contains text data. In this case You have to use textreadfunction instead eprloadone. http://easyspin.org/easyspin/documentat ... xport.html
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