Updating Isotope Data
Hello, I am a new user and wanted to study coupling between an electron spin and a radioactive isotope of protactinium (229Pa). However, in the isotope data text document, there is no information for this isotope. I was wondering if there is a way to update the isotope data text document so that I can model this interaction? I tried just adding a new line with the relevant information and saved the document, but when I run the code below, I get the following error. I was able to use the command 'isotopes' in the matlab command prompt and the isotope information was updated there, but the code still wouldn't work. I was wondering if anyone has any insight on this. Thank you!
Line I added to isotopedata.txt:
91 229 * Pa protactinium 2.5 1.0 100.0 +3.0
Matlab Code I am running:
Sys.S = 1;
Sys.Nucs = '229Pa';
Sys.D = [-100 -200 300];
Ori = [0 0]; FieldRange = [0 150];
Error I get:
Error using nucdata
Problem in isotopes list, entry 1 ('229Pa'): Please specify one of 0Pa.
Error in validatespinsys
After running command 'isotopes', I do see my change implemented in the gui, but still get the error.