How to define inequivalent nuclei
Dear all,
I'm pretty new for EasySpin. Now I am trying to fit a spectrum of a Nitroxide solution using EasySpin 5.2.35, assuming it is isotropic and fast-motion one.
On each nitrogen hyperfine line, there is well-resolved proton hyperfine splitting. The protons are inequivalent. In the spin system, there should be a 14N nucleus, two 1H, four 1H, plus additional four 1H. So totally 2+4+4 = ten 1H.
My question is how do define such a spin system? Is the following correct?
[B,spc] = eprload('Z-3-0.5G-20dBBL.DTA');
spc1 = spc/(max(spc)-min(spc));
plot(B,spc1);axis tight
Exp.mwFreq = 9.5;
Exp.Range = [331,341];
Nx.S = 1/2;
Nx.g = 2.006;
Nx.Nucs = '14N,1H,1H,1H';
Nx.n = [1 2 4 4];
Nx.A = [55 8 4 2.2];
Nx.lwpp = [0.519 0.2];
Vary.A = [30 10 5 5];
Vary.lwpp = [0.519 0.2];
Vary.g = 0.02;
I used the above statements but it cannot fit the spectrum well. The FitSpc just shows three main peaks from 14N hyperfine without any proton hyperfine splitting.
Thanks for very much for your help!