Baseline correction of parallel gap of ESR spectra.
I got this spectra and I have no idea how to correct the gap of right and left parallel line. I tried basecorr function but it didn't work as I wanted. How can I help?
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I got this spectra and I have no idea how to correct the gap of right and left parallel line. I tried basecorr function but it didn't work as I wanted. How can I help?
A very simple way is to fit a higher order polynomial to the baseline where there is no spectra. I typically use something like:
Code: Select all
indx = field<230 | field>350;
[p,S,mu] = polyfit(field(indx),spec(indx),3);
bl = polyval(p,field,S,mu);
I will then play around with the limits, indx
and the order of the polynomial (last value of polyfit) until I get something that looks reasonably good and doesn't appear to distort the actual spectrum. You might also need to truncate the edges a bit to help the polynomial fit.
I am also facing the same problem. It will be very helpful if someone can explain how to deal with this type of background.
I have solved the problem in my case. Actually the background is coming from my substrate on top of which I have deposited my sample. So in that case I have substracted the substrate from my actual sample data like below:
%Imports Data, then the background and subtracts out the background
[B1, spc1, Params1] = eprload('Sample.DTA');
spc2 = spc1;
Params = Params1;
[B3, spc3, Params3] = eprload('Substrate.DTA');
spc = spc2 - spc3;
Hope, I am correct and this will help someone.
Indeed, this looks like a baseline correction problem that is nicely solved by subtracting the spectrum of an appropriate control sample.