Possible bug, appears when I run Saffron
Hi There,
I'm running the following code:
Code: Select all
clear all;
Sys.S = 1/2;
Sys.Nucs = '1H';
% Mention A_ for isotropic and axial components of hyperfine
Sys.A_ = [5 2 0]; % MHz
Exp.Field = 350; % mT
% Define custom pulse sequence
p90.Flip = pi/2; % rad
% p180.Flip = pi;
tau = 0.01; % µs
T0 = 0.06; % µs
Exp.Sequence = {p90 tau p90 T0 p90 tau};%{p90 tau p180 tau};%{p90 tau p90 T0 p90 tau};
% Define incrementation scheme
Exp.Dim1 = {'d2', 0.005}; % µs
Exp.nPoints = 512;
Opt.nKnots = 50;
I found this from Prof. Stoll's EasySpin videos on Youtube, so I assume it is functional in principle. Every time I try to run it, however, I get the Matlab error:
"Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values."
I am running EasySpin 5.2.35 and MATLAB R2020b. Does anyone know if this is a common issue?