When to switch from Chilli to Pepper
Hi, as the rotational correlation slows, I can imagine that a "theoretical" solution of slow-motion should ultimately match the powdered solution. I can also imagine that in practice running chilli with crazy slow rotation could result in numerical errors. I'm looking at vanadyl in a very thick gooey oil.
Chilli with logtcorr = -8 looks close enough to my spectrum that I could imagine doing a numerical fit for g,A, etc. Same is true for pepper (?!) Both simulations are overlaid in the attached g = [1.9860 1.9650], A = [157 480].
But if I run chilli with yet slower rotation, then the results start diverging wildly. At logtcorr = -1 I get a warning message from chilli and an erroneous looking spectrum. At logtcorr = -4 then I dont get a warning but the computation looks equally bad.
Is there a rule of thumb for a "lowest recomended" value of logtcorr after which one should switch to pepper??
[Edit: I guess I mean a "highest recomended" value.]