How to get E/D values from fitted EPR spectrum
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 12:44 am
Dear all,
I simulated my EPR spectrum by pepper. How to get E/D values?
My parameters for simulation as follows
Code: Select all
[B,spc] = eprload('4_5mW 9K.DTA');
B = B/10;
% Set up experiment
Exp.mwFreq = 9.64;
Exp.Range = [min(B) max(B)]; % mT
Exp.nPoints = numel(spc);
% Set up spin system with starting parameters
Sys0.g = [1.94 4.65 5.75];
Sys0.gStrain = [0.0351 0.9876 0.6111];
% Set up Vary structure with all parameters that can be varied
SysVary.g = [1 1 1]*1.9;
SysVary.gStrain = [1 1 1]*1.9;
% Function handles: needed for esfit()
f = @sin;
g = @(x)x^2;
% Call esfit