EasySpin on Octave
Prof. Stoll,
I downloaded the EasySpin code from Github, and started making some small changes so it can run on Octave. So far I was able to run the pepper function and the esfit function, although not graphically. Basically I disabled some checks of Matlab version and fixed some warnings arising from differences between some Octave and Matlab functions.
I wanted to ask what is the licence for Easyspin, and what are other people allowed to do with the code. I was planning on eventually uploading the modified code to my Github page, with very clear and large disclaimers, that explain the difference between the real EasySpin and the version I would upload.
My question is if this would be Ok with you. Personally for me it's very important to have an alternative that doesn't run in Matlab (to which I had access for many years but don't anymore), and I think that scientific communities in underdeveloped countries could benefit from something like this.
Thank you very much again for EasySpin, I've been using it since 2008 and many of my papers would not have been possible without it!
Best wishes,