Simulating Heisenberg exchange frequency

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Simulating Heisenberg exchange frequency

Post by robstew500 »

I wanted to add the effects of a Heisenberg exchange frequency to my simulations. I saw under the chili documentation that I can add Sys.Exchange to accomplish this, but is this only a feature of the chili function, or can I use Sys.Exchange with pepper? I am trying to simulate a Gd dimmer with the following code:

Sys.S = [7/2 7/2];
Sys.D = [2000 20000];
Sys.J = 13000;
Sys.tcorr = 10-9;
Sys.Exchange = 10-9;

Exp.Range = [0 14500]; % mT
Exp.mwFreq = 56; % GHz

B, spec1 = chili(Sys,Exp)


However Sys.Exchange has no effect on the simulation regardless of the magnitude, am I using Sys.Exchange correctly?

Stefan Stoll
EasySpin Creator
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Location: University of Washington

Re: Simulating Heisenberg exchange frequency

Post by Stefan Stoll »

Your suspicion is correct, Sys.Exchange is only supported by chili, and not by pepper or any other simulation function.

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