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Detecting methyl, hydroxyl and superoxide radicals

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 11:43 am
by Leijdn

I am looking to detect wether there are reactive oxygen species present in my EPR data, especially methyl, hydroxyl and superoxide (DMPO spin trap adducts).

I have managed to plot my EPR data using the tutorial (please see attached an example). Grateful for any input on how I can now detect wether these radicals are present in my data.

PT_Cu_v01.png (360.26 KiB) Viewed 1526 times

Re: Detecting methyl, hydroxyl and superoxide radicals

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 6:52 am
by thanasis

First, find representative g-, A- values for DMPO radicals from the literature and try to fit your data based on these values using esfit and pepper (look at the examples to get some sample scripts).

If you run into problems, post your script (with the data) to get more specific feedback.

Good luck!