Hi all,
I'm interested in high-spin organic excited states (triplets and quintets) that form from singlet fission. Recently, I've been running a few calculations with Orca to obtain ZFS D-tensors and hyperfine couplings. Here's the system imported into Easyspin as the result of a calculation on a TIPS-pentacene triplet, calculating HFC couplings for each of the 12 hydrogens on the central pentacene group:
Code: Select all
Sys =
struct with fields:
S: 1
xyz: [100×3 double]
Atoms: [1×100 double]
Charge: 0
g: [2.0023 2.0028 2.0029]
gFrame: [-0.0576 1.6056 -3.1402]
D: [-5.3387e+03 -4.0682e+03 -3.7507e+03]
DFrame: [3.1400 1.5622 3.1411]
Nucs: 'H,H,H,H,H,H,H,H,H,H,H,H'
NucsIdx: [11 12 13 14 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34]
A: [12×3 double]
AFrame: [12×3 double]
Q: [12×3 double]
QFrame: [12×3 double]
As you could probably guess from the pseudo-d2h symmetry, there are 4 sets of 3x roughly equivalent protons with roughly equivalent HFCs:
Code: Select all
ans =
-2.8087 -8.4654 -10.3759
-2.7906 -8.4641 -10.3703
-2.8093 -8.4640 -10.3795
-2.7899 -8.4627 -10.3678
-0.4247 -1.9482 -2.5083
-0.4241 -1.9608 -2.5112
-0.4256 -1.9520 -2.5104
-0.4237 -1.9592 -2.5105
-0.1656 -2.3620 -3.0961
-0.1668 -2.3648 -3.1016
-0.1645 -2.3599 -3.0926
-0.1668 -2.3648 -3.1014
My problem is that I'm not sure how to use this information with Easyspin. The first 4 nuclei have much higher coupling constants and so for simulating EPR spectra it feels reasonable to call pepper(nucspinkeep(Sys,1:4),Exp)
and drop the rest: that runs in a reasonable time and gets me a spectrum.
My problem is that I'd also like to be able to simulate ENDOR data, and specifically orientation-selected MIMS ENDOR data taken at the canonical field positions, as in this paper:
I can run saffron
on up to 6 or so nuclei without great difficulty, but considering all 12 seems entirely intractable. Running the calculation with perturbation theory rather than matrix diagonalisation might be helpful, but Easyspin doesn't support perturbation theory on high-spin systems so I can't do that here. My one thought is that maybe it would be possible to use symmetry to simplify the spin system (since we only have three unique hyperfine couplings, repeated four times) but I have no idea if this is possible from a user's perspective, or how to go about doing so if it is.
If anyone has a clever suggestion here for something that I could be doing differently, I'd love to hear it!