Error using cardamom with easyspin-6.0.0-dev.24
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 8:00 am
I tried to use cardamom with the easyspin-6.0.0-dev.24 version with the scripts below, trying to calculate the EPR spectrum from a hindered Brownian diffusion model fitted to an MD trajectory and got the output
This is the matlab Live-Script I have used:
The MD_250K_1ps.mat file was created from raw data by the Live Script
The 'local_frame_250K_1psTimeStep.mat' file contains the coordinate trajectories of the x-, y- and z- axis of the nitroxide radical in the 'xm', 'ym' and 'zm' matrices calculated by some MD calculations.
Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?
I know this is still a dev version, but I very much appreciate the implementation of the new MD trajectory features and I am really looking forward to use them!
I tried to use cardamom with the easyspin-6.0.0-dev.24 version with the scripts below, trying to calculate the EPR spectrum from a hindered Brownian diffusion model fitted to an MD trajectory and got the output
.Experimental settings:
field sweep, mw frequency 9.4212 GHz
field range (mT): min 289.01, max 389.01, center 339.01, width 100
using MD trajectory data
Reference to non-existent field 'dihedrals'.
Error in cardamom
This is the matlab Live-Script I have used:
Code: Select all
%Define Spin System
Sys.S = 1/2;
Sys.Nucs = '14N';
Sys.g = [2.0099 2.0055 20010];
Sys.A = [4.5 29 107.5];
Sys.lwpp = [0.0087 0.8554];
%Define experimental parameters
Exp.mwFreq = 9.4212;
Exp.CenterSweep = [339.010 100];
Exp.nPoints = 2000;
%Define simulation parameter for quantum propagation
Par.Model = 'MD-HBD';
Par.Dt = 1 * 10^(-9);
Par.nSteps = 250;
Par.nTraj = 1;
Par.OriStart = [0,0,0];
Par.Orients = [0,0,0];
%Define Simulation Options
Opt.Verbosity = 1;
Opt.Method = 'fast';
Opt.specCon = true;
%Load MD Data
%Calculated EPR Spectrum
[B,spc,FID,t] = cardamom(Sys,Exp,Par,Opt,MD)
Code: Select all
MD.dt = 1*10^(-12);
nTrajec = 1;
[nSteps,m] = size(xm);
MD.FrameTraj = zeros(3,3,nTrajec,nSteps);
MD.RProtDiff = zeros(3,3,nTrajec,nSteps);
for ii = 1:nSteps
ex = xm(ii,:)';
ey = ym(ii,:)';
ez = cross(ex,ey);
ey = cross(ez,ex);
ex = ex / norm(ex);
ey = ey / norm(ey);
ez = ez / norm(ez);
MD.FrameTraj(:,1,1,ii) = ex;
MD.FrameTraj(:,2,1,ii) = ey;
MD.FrameTraj(:,3,1,ii) = ez;
MD.RProtDiff(:,1,1,ii) = [1,0,0]';
MD.RProtDiff(:,2,1,ii) = [0,1,0]';
MD.RProtDiff(:,3,1,ii) = [0,0,1]';
MD.FrameTrajwrtProt = MD.FrameTraj
MD.removeGlobal = true;
MD.dihedral = [];
Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?
I know this is still a dev version, but I very much appreciate the implementation of the new MD trajectory features and I am really looking forward to use them!