Is it possible to change the size of the esfit GUI? I would like to increase the size of the window, and more importantly, the fonts within the window. On my monitor, the numbers in the parameters table appear only 1 mm tall and are very pixelated.
I have tried dragging corners or using macOS commands to resize the window, but they do not work. (These things do work for MATLAB Figure windows.)
I apologize if this is a basic question; I am new to MATLAB. I am running easyspin 5.2.28 on macOS 10.14.6.
Resize the esfit GUI?
Re: Resize the esfit GUI?
Generally, You have to get the appropriate object handler and change its properties. Here the examlpe how to change the properties of the lines.
The properties of the text objects should be changed in the same manner.
Good luck.
Code: Select all
h = findobj(gcf,'Type','line')
Good luck.