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Levelsplot line attributes
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 2:15 am
by thanasis
I have a question regarding levelsplot
usability: is there any way to get the handles of the plotted lines, so that we can change their colors, thicknesses etc? This in necessary , eg. if we need to overlay different plots on the same figure. As it is documented right now, levelsplot
is excellent for understanding the level structure and transitions of a system, but the ability to tweak them would make them much more presentable for publications.
Thanks for considering!
Re: Levelsplot line attributes
Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 10:19 am
by Stefan Stoll
Code: Select all
clear, clc
Sys.g = 2;
levelsplot(Sys,'z',[0 400]);
h = get(gca,'Children')
Re: Levelsplot line attributes
Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:48 pm
by thanasis
That's it, thanks!
Re: Levelsplot line attributes
Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 8:20 am
by thanasis
I am resurrecting this thread as I am trying to make a Zeeman plot with custom colors.
While I had managed to make things work with the previous approach, that was a rather special case involving relatively few levels and not many level crossings.
I am now dealing with a system with significantly more levels (512 to be exact, but the problem arises with significantly less).
What happens is that:
generates line segments between crossings (assigned the "level" attribute). When we have many anticrossings, the number of those line segmens may explode.
-In addition, we have line segments for the transition sticks (assigned the "transition" attribute), which may be quite numerous as well, especially when we are dealing with hyperfine interactions.
-Finally, we have the text objects with frequency and orientation.
The get(gca,'Children')
command then "catches" all of these objects together (some times so many of them that Matlab may stall) but we cannot know in advance how many of each we will have. So coloring them ex post becomes a tedious trial-and-error process.
I was wondering whether levelsplot
could accept a few more arguments (e.g. regarding color and line width) for each of these three types of printed objects, so that it can plot Zeeman diagrams directly with the desired line attributes.
Thanks in advance!
Re: Levelsplot line attributes
Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 11:43 pm
by thanasis
So, I played around and managed to find a partial solution based on the type and tag attributes of the lines and texts.
For anyone with the same issue, the following hack works ex post for two orientations (a more generic version would be needed for an arbitrary number of orientations but I scratched my itch).
I believe it would be more elegant to just plot everything as desired ex ante, if this is easy to implement.
Code: Select all
h = get(gca,'Children'); % Get ALL objects
list_types = get(h,'type'); % Get list of types
list_tags = get(h,'tag');
% Find text indexes in h
text_comp = strcmp(list_types,'text'); % Get all types and compare with string 'text'
text_idx = find(text_comp);
% Set indexes for a line with a legend
legend_idx = text_idx + 1;
% Find transitions indexes in h
trans_comp = strcmp(list_tags,'transition'); trans_idx = find(trans_comp);
% Find levels indexes in h
level_comp = strcmp(list_tags,'level'); level_idx = find(level_comp);
htext = findobj(gca,'Type','text'); % Get only text
htrans = findobj(gca,'Tag','transition'); % Get only transitions
hlevels = findobj(gca,'Tag','level'); % Get only levels
for j = 1:length(text_idx)
% Sticks
for jj = trans_idx'
if jj < text_idx(2)
set(h(jj),'linestyle','-','Color',blue,'Linewidth',0.5,'HandleVisibility','off'); %%y
set(h(jj),'linestyle','-','Color',green,'Linewidth',0.5,'HandleVisibility','off'); %z
% Levels
for jj = level_idx'
if jj < text_idx(2)
set(h(jj),'Color',blue,'Linewidth',0.5,'linestyle','-','HandleVisibility','off'); %y
set(h(jj),'Color',green,'Linewidth',0.5,'linestyle','-','HandleVisibility','off'); %z
for jjj = 1:length(legend_idx)
Re: Levelsplot line attributes
Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 12:28 am
by Liya12
Hi Guys, Free Fire Name
The levelsplot line attributes refer to the visual properties of the lines in a levelsplot, which is a type of plot used for visualizing data with contours or discrete levels. These attributes include line color, thickness, style, and transparency, among others.