Dipolar interactions and spin delocalization
Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 8:55 am
I was wondering whether ES can account for dipolar interactions within exchange-coupled systems by considering the spin densities introduced due to exchange interactions.
Assuming we have set up a precise expression of the dipole-dipole interaction matrix Ddip(ij) between spins i and j, using tensors gi and gj:
when we define our system so that:
then I guess that Easyspin calculates something like Si(T)*Sys.ee*Sj for the e-e interaction part of the system's spin Hamiltonian.
However, magnetic exchange may affect the spin densities on each spin (e.g when we have polynuclear systems). The spin densities can be calculated by calculating the operator matrices:
and then the expectation values (e.g. at the ground state):
So my question is: can we separately calculate the dipolar contribution, not for the pure single-ion spin values, but for the spin densities due to magnetic exchange? I.e. something of the type:
and then stick it to the rest of the spin Hamiltonian?
And more to the point, is there physical meaning to such a calculation? Please note that I am not considering delocalized spins within organic radical systems, but between exchange-coupled metal centers. So the point-dipole approximation would still be valid in terms of distances, but with recalculated spin values.
I was wondering whether ES can account for dipolar interactions within exchange-coupled systems by considering the spin densities introduced due to exchange interactions.
Assuming we have set up a precise expression of the dipole-dipole interaction matrix Ddip(ij) between spins i and j, using tensors gi and gj:
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D_dip_ij = transpose(gi)*gj - 3 * (transpose(gi)*Rij) * (transpose(Rij)*gj);
dip_ij = 12993 * rij^-3 * D_dip_ij;
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Sys.ee = etc + etc + dip_ij
However, magnetic exchange may affect the spin densities on each spin (e.g when we have polynuclear systems). The spin densities can be calculated by calculating the operator matrices:
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[S1x,S1y,S1z,etc] = sop(Sys,'x1','y1','z1',etc);
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H = sham(Sys,[0 0 1e-4]);
S1x_expect = Vt(:,1)'*S1x*Vt(:,1);
S1y_expect =
S1z_expect =
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[Six_expect Siy_expect Siz_expect] * dip_ij * [Sjx_expect; Sjy_expect; Sjz_expect]
And more to the point, is there physical meaning to such a calculation? Please note that I am not considering delocalized spins within organic radical systems, but between exchange-coupled metal centers. So the point-dipole approximation would still be valid in terms of distances, but with recalculated spin values.