Analysis of a frequency sweep S-Band spectrum of a triplet state at rt
Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 8:15 am
Hi everybody =)
I simulated the frequency sweep spectrum of a triplet crystal system containing two molecule orientations at room temperature in the S-band.
1) 5 signals appear, which I cannot assign to certain transitions, does anyone know literature that can help?
2) Does the simulation look reasonable to you or do you spot a vulnerability?
3) Do I probably scratch the limits of EasySpin, so that artifacts appear?
All these questions arise because I don't know what signals to expect in the S-Band spectrum.
I am very grateful for all hints you have! Thanks!
I simulated the frequency sweep spectrum of a triplet crystal system containing two molecule orientations at room temperature in the S-band.
1) 5 signals appear, which I cannot assign to certain transitions, does anyone know literature that can help?
2) Does the simulation look reasonable to you or do you spot a vulnerability?
3) Do I probably scratch the limits of EasySpin, so that artifacts appear?
All these questions arise because I don't know what signals to expect in the S-Band spectrum.
I am very grateful for all hints you have! Thanks!
Code: Select all
%Simulation of a frequency sweep spectrum of a triplet crystal at rt
% Parameters
SysFrqSwep = struct('S',1,'g',2.0023,'lwpp',[10 0.80],'D',[1395.57 , -53.35]);
% Rotation of two molecules in the unit cell
Mol1_0 =[0 0 0]; % starting postion % Molz||B0 Molx||B1
Mol1_1 = rotatecrystal(Mol1_0, [0;1;0], pi/2); % Molx||B0 Molz||B1
Mol1_2 = rotatecrystal(Mol1_1, [0;0;1], pi/2); % Molx||B0 Moly||B1
Mol2_1 = rotatecrystal(Mol1_2, [1;0;0], pi/3); % Mol2 differs from Mol1 in a tilt angle of 60° in the Molx axes
% Parameters simulation
ExpFrqSwep = struct('Field', 83.56, 'mwRange',[0 11.5],'Temperature', [0.08, 0.16, 0.76], 'Harmonic',0, 'CrystalOrientation', [Mol1_2 ; Mol2_1]);
% Simulation
[B0_FreqSwep,Simu_FreqSwep] = pepper(SysFrqSwep,ExpFrqSwep);
% Export
m(:,1)= B0_FreqSwep;
m(:,2)= Simu_FreqSwep;