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Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 3:18 pm
by myersw802
The resonator function appears to be an amplitude-only compensation, but then a sweep rate dependence appears to be a favoured method for compensation as it is less susceptible to amplifier non-linearities. Sorry if I missed it, but why isn't the sweep rate available as a compensation method? Ideally both methods could be used simultaneously with user-defined weightings.
Re: resonator
Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 10:16 pm
by Stefan Stoll
Thanks for the suggestion. We have opened an issue about this.
Re: resonator
Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 2:56 pm
by Stefan Stoll
Turns out this is already implemented in
. Here is an example (written by Claudia):
clear, clf
% Sech/tanh pulse
Par.Type = 'sech/tanh'; % pulse shape = 0.200; % pulse length, µs
Par.Frequency = [-80 80]; % pulse frequency sweep range, MHz
Par.beta = 8; % truncation parameter, used as (beta/tp)
Par.Flip = pi; % pulse flip angle
[t{1},IQ{1},modulation{1}] = pulse(Par);
% Resonator properties
Par.mwFreq = 33.85; % microwave frequency, GHz
Par.ResonatorFrequency = 33.9; % resonator center frequency, GHz
Par.ResonatorQL = 200; % loaded Q-factor of resonator
% Recalculate pulse with adapted sweep rate
[t{2},IQ{2},modulation{2}] = pulse(Par);