I've looked through the forum and couldn't see if this was previously reported.
When running sphgrid using C2h symmetry the values for phi are [0,pi); whereas when running sphtri the values of phi have been assumed to be [0,pi]. This means when trying to run the code from http://easyspin.org/documentation/sphtri.html
Code: Select all
x = sphgrid('D2h',nKnots);
g2 = [1.9*x(1,:); 2*x(2,:); 2.1*x(3,:)].^2;
g = sqrt(sum(g2));
tri = sphtri('D2h',nKnots);
view(135,39); colorbar
Code: Select all
% want to add in phi=pi for each knot: error is easyspin
th_unique=th_unique(2:end); % ignore first point because theta=0, so phi doesn't matter
insertion=[th_unique;pi*ones(1,numel(th_unique))]'; % points to be inserted
x_polar=x_polar(ind,:); %x_polar gives the correct theta and phi for sphtri
for n= 1:numel(x_polar(:,1))
% x gives the correct Cartesian values for sphtri
% now copying the code from http://easyspin.org/documentation/sphtri.html
g2 = [1.9*x(1,:); 2*x(2,:); 2.1*x(3,:)].^2;
g = sqrt(sum(g2));
tri = sphtri('C2h',nknots);
view(135,39); colorbar