Different curves (number of lines) for different exp ranges
Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 1:24 am
Some lines are missing for some combination of Sys parameters and for some Exp ranges. The pepper gives different spectra for different simulation ranges. In this sample the spectra are compared with same Sys and different exp range. For some g some lines at low field disappear.
Code: Select all
clear, clc
LW = 3; c = 299792458;
Exp1.mwFreq = 9.4202; % fajl cm-1.mcd
Exp2 = Exp1;
Exp1.Range = [70 600];
Exp2.Range = [120 250];
% Opt.nKnots = [361 1];
Sys.Nucs = '55Mn';
Sys.S = 3/2;
AA = mt2mhz(7.844);
Sys.A = AA;
DD = [9718 68.1];
Sys.D = DD; % MHz
Sys.lw = LW;
XN = 1; YN = 3;
index = reshape(1:(XN*YN), XN, YN).';
indMax = XN*YN;
for ind = 1:indMax
Sys.g = 2.000 + 0.045*(ind - 1);
% [B,spec1] = pepper(Sys,Exp1,Opt);
% [B2,spec2] = pepper(Sys,Exp2,Opt);
[B,spec1] = pepper(Sys,Exp1);
[B2,spec2] = pepper(Sys,Exp2);
hold on;
plot(B,spec1,'DisplayName',['g=' num2str(Sys.g) ' A=' num2str(Sys.A) ' D=' num2str(Sys.D) ' Range=' num2str(Exp1.Range)]);
plot(B2,spec2-1,'DisplayName',['g=' num2str(Sys.g) ' A=' num2str(Sys.A) ' D=' num2str(Sys.D) ' Range=' num2str(Exp2.Range)]);
hold off;
xlabel('magnetic field [mT]');