Output order for resfreqs_matrix and resfreqs_perturb
Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 4:44 am
Surprisingly, the order of line positions calculated by resfreqs_matrix() and resfreqs_perturb() is different. This makes the functions non-interchangeable. It should be better that both functions return equal results.
Here the script illustrating the problem.
It returns the follow output:
The line positions are the same, but their order is different.
Here the script illustrating the problem.
Code: Select all
Sys3.g = 2.00552;
Sys3.A = mt2mhz([7.82, 1.89]/10);
Sys3.Nucs = '14N,1H';
Code: Select all
>> resfreq_test
9.6806 9.6587 9.6753 9.6367 9.6534 9.6315
9.6315 9.6367 9.6534 9.6587 9.6753 9.6806