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Powder cw-EPR spectra Sim
Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 5:58 am
by htuner
Dear Mr./Mrs.
I have very little experience in easyspin.
So, I am trying to simulate cw-powder EPR spectrum which have an anizotropic g and anizotropic hyperfine couplings.
1st- Is the information that included in the downloaded file enough to understand how the program work? Or how can I find additional information?
2nd- Which code should I use? and if it is possible could you send me a simple code with its data as example to try it.
Thank you in Advance
Re: Powder cw-EPR spectra Sim
Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 8:25 am
by Stefan Stoll
Welcome to EasySpin! You can find the documentation in a folder in the unzipped downloaded file. Also, you can check it out
online. You should first work through the appropriate section under "Spectra Simulations", and then check out the
Re: Powder cw-EPR spectra Sim
Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 11:57 pm
by htuner
Thank you very much.
Re: Powder cw-EPR spectra Sim
Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 1:01 am
by htuner
Dear Stefan,
I tryed to run some of your example, such as twocompfit.m and multicomponents.m
However, I got the fallowing massage;
??? Error using ==> uitable at 200
Unrecognized parameter: Tag
Error in ==> C:\easyspin-5.1.10\easyspin\esfit.p>esfit at 361
Error in ==> twocompfit at 38
By the vay my Matlab is 2007b version.
Re: Powder cw-EPR spectra Sim
Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 7:50 am
by Stefan Stoll
I am afraid your Matlab version is too old to support the graphical user interface of esfit
. However, you can still use it with output arguments: [bestSys,bestFit] = esfit(...)
Re: Powder cw-EPR spectra Sim
Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 8:31 am
by htuner
Stefan, what is the least version of matlab supported this function?
Re: Powder cw-EPR spectra Sim
Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 9:32 am
by htuner
the simulation is worked. however, it could not plot the experimental spectrum and the simulated spectrum. The window is open but it is empty.
One more question; is the program simulate the proposed radicals individually: namely, it first simulate the 1st radical and finish it than simulate the 2nd one...
if yes, is there any way to make the program simulate all the radicals in the same time
Re: Powder cw-EPR spectra Sim
Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 9:44 am
by Stefan Stoll
Please post a short script that reproduces your problem.
Re: Powder cw-EPR spectra Sim
Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 8:11 am
by htuner
Dear Stefan,
here is my code, I suppose to be 3 different radical. However the program as I see first the program simulate the 1st and finish it than simulate the next radicals one by one.
I think I am doing something wrong. I am attaching the exp. spectrum as well.
Sorry for bothering you. I hope I dont westing your time.
[B,spc] = textread('GAMden.txt','%f %f');
Exp.mwFreq = 9.856109; % MW frekansı GHz
%Exp.CenterSweep=[351.27678 10.10875]; % Center field Sweep width in mT
Sys1.S = 1/2;
Sys1.g = [2.002276, 2.007189, 2.011153];
Sys1.lwpp = 0.5;
Sys1.weight = 14.975;
Exp.Harmonic = 1;
Vary1.g = [0.1 0.1 0.1];
Vary1.lwpp = [0.1];
Vary1.weight = [0.1];
Sys2.S = 1/2;
Sys2.g = 2.0037533;
Sys2.lwpp = 0.3;
Sys2.Nucs = ['1H,1H'];
Sys2.A = [81.8698, 81.8698];
Sys2.weight = 0.99934;
Vary2.g = [0.1];
Vary2.lwpp = [0.1];
Vary2.A = [13 13];
Vary2.weight = [0.1];
Sys3.S = 1/2;
Sys3.g = 2.0037533;
Sys3.lwpp = 0.35859076;
Sys3.Nucs = ['1H,1H,1H'];
Sys3.A = [81.698, 81.698, 26.020];
Sys3.weight = 0.505;
Vary3.g = [0.1];
Vary3.lwpp = [0.1];
Vary3.A = [12 12 12];
Vary3.weight = [0.1];
[bestSys,bestFit] = esfit('pepper',spc,Sys1,Vary1,Exp);
[bestSys,bestFit] = esfit('pepper',spc,Sys2,Vary2,Exp);
[bestSys,bestFit] = esfit('pepper',spc,Sys3,Vary3,Exp);
Re: Powder cw-EPR spectra Sim
Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:25 pm
by Stefan Stoll
What about
Code: Select all
[bestSys1,bestFit1] = esfit('pepper',spc,Sys1,Vary1,Exp);
[bestSys2,bestFit2] = esfit('pepper',spc,Sys2,Vary2,Exp);
[bestSys3,bestFit3] = esfit('pepper',spc,Sys3,Vary3,Exp);