How can I show the exact EPR spectrum in fitting panel

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How can I show the exact EPR spectrum in fitting panel

Post by tui1994 »

Hi! everyone. I'm trying to fit my experimental result from EPR spectrometer by EasySpin on MatLab. My spectra file were saved in form .DTA and .DSC. So, I wrote MaTLab for analysis this following by the code

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[spc,Params,B] = eprload('1KGY1OCT2016.DSC');
spc = addnoise(spc,0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001,'n');
Sys0.g = [1.99, 2.07, 2.11];
Sys0.lw = 1;
Vary.lw = 0.3;
Vary.g = [0 0.02 0];
Vary.lw = 0.3;
Exp.mwFreq = 9.8;
Exp.Range = [200 400];
The code was typed from Fitting EPR spectra section in website Easyspin ... tting.html. The result from running the code shows as file 11.png.
My fitting pannel
My fitting pannel
11.png (80.58 KiB) Viewed 2672 times
I don't know why it is and think there is some mistakes which occurred in my EPR spectrum or I missed something (may be I have to do noise reduction of the spectrum before insert to fitting code ) in the code. I think if I write the good code, I will get the exact spectrum like this
The real spectrum (horizontal axis has "G" unit).
The real spectrum (horizontal axis has "G" unit).
12.png (10.29 KiB) Viewed 2672 times

Moreover, I have also attached my ERP spectrum file as from .DTA and .DSC.
.DTA : ... sp=sharing and .DSC : ... sp=sharing
Thank you for all suggestions.
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Re: How can I show the exact EPR spectrum in fitting panel

Post by thanasis »

The syntax of the eprload function is [x,y,Params] = eprload(FileName), so it is possible that you are loading your spectrum in the wrong order, i.e. [y,Params,x] in your example. I don't know whether ES can tell the difference, but you could try [B,spc,Params] = eprload('1KGY1OCT2016.DSC') and see if that does it.
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Re: How can I show the exact EPR spectrum in fitting panel

Post by tui1994 »

Thanks very much. I will try it!
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Re: How can I show the exact EPR spectrum in fitting panel

Post by joscha_nehrkorn »

thanasis pointed out the wrong order in loading the file.
Next you use the

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function with an assumed Signal-to-Noise ratio of 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001. Is there any particular reason for that?
To perform a fit the structure

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should contain your experimental parameter. At least

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have to be different from what you posted, but probably also

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, and

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In general the spectrum shown in the fit panel is the EPR spectrum. Note that it is normalized and has no units on the x-axis.
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