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DFT softwares compatible with EasySpin

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 7:33 pm
by alex_gab
Hi everyone,

I am a relatively new user of EasySpin, and so need some help if anyone has a moment to spare:

Q1 - For simulating purposes I will need to use DFT calculations. I have access to different software (Dmol, Gaussian...) but not Orca. Hence my question: is EasySpin compatible with any other software than Orca? Is it possible to adapt the output of other software to make them readable by EasySpin? I am guessing outputs should not be that different.

Q2 - Also, for the basis (the orbitals description) to do the DFT calculations: are there any correspondences between Orca and Dmol basis for instance? What is relevant for the good g-parameter? This question is a bit farther off, but if any of you have an answer it would help me greatly.

Thanks in advance! :)

Re: DFT softwares compatible with EasySpin

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:15 am
by Stefan Stoll
Q1: EasySpin only supports Orca. In the EPR community, Orca is by far the most used program to estimate EPR parameters. It's free and fairly easy to use. If you are more familiar with other programs, you can always write a script that reads the output file and generates a EasySpin-compatible spin system structure.

Q2: For calculating g value, make sure the geometry is converged and your basis is at least of VDZ quality. For organic radicals, the calculations are fairly reliable (make sure to include H-bonding partners); for transition metal complexes, your mileage may vary.

Re: DFT softwares compatible with EasySpin

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 6:22 pm
by alex_gab
Thanks for the quick reply Stefan :)

One last question though: what would an EasySpin-compatible spin system structure require format-wise?

Re: DFT softwares compatible with EasySpin

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:06 am
by Stefan Stoll
See the documentation on spin systems here.