separation of different signals coming from orientations
Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 10:32 am
There are two things I want to ask
1) I am plotting the energy level diagrams using levelsplot and it shows the transition by different colors (red for 'allowed' and grey for 'forbidden' transitions) and intensity of the color describes its probability amplitude. However, I am interested in calculating transition probabilities quantitatively. Is there any way to quench out numbers?
2) I want to plot all the orientations with different colors instead of summed over. However, I am getting the following error while trying it
Error using +
Matrix dimensions must agree.
The script is mentioned below:
Exp = struct('mwFreq',9.3260,'CenterSweep',[300 500],'nPoints',2048);
Exp.Temperature= 100;
Sys0 = struct('S',3/2,'g',[2],'lw',[2]);
Sys0.Nucs = 'Cr';
Sys0.A = 50;
Opt.Output = 'separate';
Sys0.D = 1e5;
[B_sim,spec_sim] = pepper(Sys0,Exp,Opt);
xlabel('Magnetic field [G]');
There are two things I want to ask
1) I am plotting the energy level diagrams using levelsplot and it shows the transition by different colors (red for 'allowed' and grey for 'forbidden' transitions) and intensity of the color describes its probability amplitude. However, I am interested in calculating transition probabilities quantitatively. Is there any way to quench out numbers?
2) I want to plot all the orientations with different colors instead of summed over. However, I am getting the following error while trying it
Error using +
Matrix dimensions must agree.
The script is mentioned below:
Exp = struct('mwFreq',9.3260,'CenterSweep',[300 500],'nPoints',2048);
Exp.Temperature= 100;
Sys0 = struct('S',3/2,'g',[2],'lw',[2]);
Sys0.Nucs = 'Cr';
Sys0.A = 50;
Opt.Output = 'separate';
Sys0.D = 1e5;
[B_sim,spec_sim] = pepper(Sys0,Exp,Opt);
xlabel('Magnetic field [G]');