Rotating single crystal with two symmetry-related centres
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:34 am
I guess this is a two-stage question
1. The first relates to the crystal symmetry and the number of different paramagnetic centres per unit cell.
E.g., in my case, in a triclinic P-1 crystal, there are two symmetry related molecules (x,y,z and -x-y-z). However, how do I instruct Easyspin that the inversion center is outside the molecule (which means that the molecules in the two asymmetric units are antiparallel) and not inside the molecule (which means that all molecules in the unit cell are aligned parallel to each other).
In axial or rhombic systems, would two antiparallely aligned magnetic centers give rise to different signals as a function of their orientation inside the magnetic field?
2. The second relates to describing the orientation of the molecule in the crystal.
Due to the low symmetry of the molecule, there is no crystallographic plane that is parallel to the molecular z-axis. The closest is the bc plane which intersects at an angle of 8o.
As it seems, I managed to mount the crystal with the bc plane horizontally (I could get very axial signals for certain rotations). For these rotations, I consider that there is a +/-8 degree angle between the molecular z-axis and the magnetic field (let's call it a tilt angle). Indeed, I could very nicely simulate those signals, so I guess my assumption is correct.
What I am trying to understand now is how to correctly describe the rotation of the crystal.
My conventions are:
-There is a +/-8o angle between zM and zL at zero rotation
-The crystal rotates around xL (the axis of the EPR tube)
-The rotation is clockwise
The code I have written to describe this is:
It seems to behave correctly in preliminary simulations, however:
-have I grasped correctly the Easyspin conventions and Euler angle conventions?
-should the rot angle be negative or positive for clockwise rotations, i.e. or
-will the levelsplot calculation correctly take into account the defined orientation the way I have defined it as ?
1. The first relates to the crystal symmetry and the number of different paramagnetic centres per unit cell.
E.g., in my case, in a triclinic P-1 crystal, there are two symmetry related molecules (x,y,z and -x-y-z). However, how do I instruct Easyspin that the inversion center is outside the molecule (which means that the molecules in the two asymmetric units are antiparallel) and not inside the molecule (which means that all molecules in the unit cell are aligned parallel to each other).
In axial or rhombic systems, would two antiparallely aligned magnetic centers give rise to different signals as a function of their orientation inside the magnetic field?
2. The second relates to describing the orientation of the molecule in the crystal.
Due to the low symmetry of the molecule, there is no crystallographic plane that is parallel to the molecular z-axis. The closest is the bc plane which intersects at an angle of 8o.
As it seems, I managed to mount the crystal with the bc plane horizontally (I could get very axial signals for certain rotations). For these rotations, I consider that there is a +/-8 degree angle between the molecular z-axis and the magnetic field (let's call it a tilt angle). Indeed, I could very nicely simulate those signals, so I guess my assumption is correct.
What I am trying to understand now is how to correctly describe the rotation of the crystal.
My conventions are:
-There is a +/-8o angle between zM and zL at zero rotation
-The crystal rotates around xL (the axis of the EPR tube)
-The rotation is clockwise
The code I have written to describe this is:
Code: Select all
cm=2.99793e4; % Conversion constant from cm-1 to MHz (~ 100*clight/1e6)
%The variables
gxy=1.9; %gperpendicular common for all Cu(II) ions
gz=2.22; %g|| common for all Cu(II) ions
D32=-0.087; % D value of the S=3/2 spin (in cm-1)
tilt=8; % molecular axis tilt from the bc (horizontal) plane (in degrees)
rot=90; % rotation of the crystal with respect to the magnetic field (in degrees)
%The spin system
Sys.g=[gxy gz];
Exp.Temperature = 4.5; Sys.lwpp=[10 10]; Exp.mwFreq=9.42; Exp.CenterSweep=[270 550.0]; Exp.nPoints=4096;
Exp.CrystalSymmetry = 2; % space group P-1
Exp.MolFrame = [0 tilt 0]*pi/180; % molecular frame tilted with respect to the bc plane
cori0 = [0 0 0]*pi/180; % initial crystal orientation in lab frame
Exp.CrystalOrientation = cori0;
nRot_L = [1;0;0]; % rotation axis = x axis of lab frame i.e. EPR tube axis based on frame definitions
rho = rot*pi/180; % rotation angle
cori = rotatecrystal(cori0,nRot_L,rho); % rotate crystal by rho around nRot
Exp.CrystalOrientation = cori;
pepper(Sys,Exp); %For pepper calculation
%Ori=cori; FieldRange=[0 1000]; Freq=9.42; nPoints=10000; levelsplot(Sys,Ori,FieldRange,Freq,nPoints); %Uncomment for levelsplot calculation
-have I grasped correctly the Easyspin conventions and Euler angle conventions?
-should the rot angle be negative or positive for clockwise rotations, i.e.
Code: Select all
rho = rot*pi/180
Code: Select all
rho = -rot*pi/180
Code: Select all