Is there a way to color code different transitions in a stack plot? I am simulating the spin-1 NV center, and I would like to have the 0to+1 and 0to-1 transitions be different colors. I can use Opt.Transitions to separate the transitions and plot them separately and on top of each other, but I can't find a way to change the color of the stackplots. Does anyone know if this can be done?
this code will plot the transitions separately, but they are both still blue:
Opt.Transitions=[1 2]; %(0)<->(-1)
Opt2.Transitions=[2 3]; %(0)<->(+1)
hold on
color coding transitions in a stackplot
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Re: color coding transitions in a stackplot
Sadly not with stackplot at this moment.
When using
When using
opt.Output = 'separate'
, your spectra come out row-wise. One way that you can achieve what you want is to use the built-in matlab functions to plot and just shift your spectra appropriately. Code: Select all
% generate an offset matrix
% 2*max(max(NV1)) - estimates the amount that you need to shift spectra by to avoid overlap
% repmat([1:size(NV1,1)]', 1, size(NV1,2)) - makes a vector 1 to number of transitions and repeats that for the number of field points
a = 2 * max( max( NV1 ) ) * repmat([1:size(NV1,1)]', 1, size(NV1,2));
% then we just plot
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Re: color coding transitions in a stackplot
Here's an alternative. Ask
to return you the handle to the line objects. Then you can modify any line properties directly yourself.Code: Select all
clear, clf
Field = linspace(0,1,51);
Spc1 = rand(12,51);
Spc2 = rand(12,51);
hold on
h1 = stackplot(Field,Spc1);
h2 = stackplot(Field,Spc2);
set(h1,'Color',[0 0 1]);
set(h2,'Color',[0 0.5 0]);